
Imaflora announces the winners of the 7th edition of the Brazilian Sustainable Coffees Cupping


AC Café S/A, located in the Cerrado Mineiro Region, was the winner of the 7th edition of the Brazilian Sustainable Coffees Cupping. Their “Natural” sample reached 90.4 points. The announcement of the top 15 lots was made on Friday, September 25th, during the International Coffee Week, which takes place in Belo Horizonte, MG - Brazil.
Coffee lots from Comercial Mineira Company and Eduardo Campos Pinheiro were classified in second and third place respectively.
The cupping, organized by IMAFLORA – Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agricola, and which is exclusive for enterprises that have the Rainforest Alliance Certified ™ seal, received a total of 104 samples. All the cupping processes were conducted at Federal University of Lavras and coordinated by Dr. Flavio Borem (SCAA Standards Committee member).
"Certification is a tool to encourage responsible production of coffee, and is becoming more and more accessible to producers of all sizes. This cupping contest proves that, in addition to producing more sustainably, certified producers have excellent quality. "says Eduardo Trevisan Gonçalves, Deputy Executive Director of IMAFLORA. For him, quality and sustainability are key to competitiveness in the coffee chain. For more information: café@imaflora.org

Winners of the 7th edition of the Brazilian Sustainable Coffees Cupping:
ProducerFarm nameScoreAC Café S/AFazenda Santa Lucia90,41Comercial Mineira S/A.Fazenda São Lourenço89,00Eduardo Pinheiro CamposDona Nenem e São João87,66José Dutra Sobrinho Fazenda Agua Limpa87,58Eduardo Pinheiro C.Dona Nenem e São João86,91Dalgiza Broze NaimegPantano86,70Fazendas KlemPedra Dourada86,33Walter Cesar DutraFazenda Jatobá86,08Ipanema Agrícola S/AFazenda Rio Verde85,83Comercial Mineira S..Fazenda São Lourenço85,79José Dutra Sobrinho Fazenda Agua Limpa85,54Mariana JunqueiraRancho São Benedito85,12Walter Cesar DutraFazenda Jatobá85,08Versi Crivelenti Ferrero e OutrosCaixetas85,08Maria Rogéria e Maria ValériaIrmãs Pereira84,87